‘Two Faces of Optimism’

My new solo show ‘Two Faces of Optimism’ is now open! The preview night was a huge success. Over 100 people came along; past buyers, new collectors, as well as family and friends. Thanks to everyone who bought my paintings. The show is on until 11th November, every day except Sundays. Check the opening times at the Brewhouse, but it’s always open at least 10 am – 5 pm Monday to Saturday. http://www.brewhouse.co.uk/. Here’s one of my new paintings that was one of the first to sell ..

Thanks to all the Brewhouse staff for agreeing to host the exhibition, for assisting with the installation, and for staffing the bar and reception at the preview.

There’s still a chance to see Streets and Spires at the fantastic Broadway Arts Festival https://broadwayartsfestival.com/art-competition-2023/ The show ends on Sunday 15th October.