Derbyshire Open Arts Whit weekend

I’ll be exhibiting once again over the Whit weekend with Derbyshire Open Arts. I’ll be based at the Gasworks Sudbury like last year. I’m wondering about doing a series of still lives perhaps loosely inspired by the early work of Patrick Heron. I need to do some smaller pieces for the exhibition, often a challenge for me as I tend to paint bigger pieces.

A few weeks ago I attended an appraisal event at the RBSA gallery in Birmingham. It was great meeting some of the members and other Friends and I got some really useful feedback on my work. The RBSA is a charity and the most amazing organisation as it relies hugely on volunteers in the main to run events. I’ve volunteered to steward once in a while!

In my last blog, I said I’d post my pieces I worked on for the Sutton Coldfield Arts Society demo; here’s one I’ve finished. The second one needs to dry before I apply a glaze.