New work, new plans. Despite the really awful UK weather, I have been productive painting new work, applying for exhibitions and having new ideas. I can still see colour in the grey .. always useful.
On Saturday I was thrilled to attend the private view of the new exhibitions at the Fronteer gallery in Sheffield. I was excited to see my painting Edge and Stream exhibited at the entrance to the gallery. Thank you again Fronteer for a great evening and for picking and exhibiting my work so beautifully. There were lots of great artists on show.
Meanwhile I have been busy with new ideas and new work. I have a number of series developing. One about things human, feelings, people’s relationship to others and states of mind. I have another stream abstracting the landscape and all things beautiful about the natural world. Lastly I have my floral series – especially focusing in on big dramatic blooms – and abstracting aspects of them.
Here’s one I’m working on ….

My exhibition plans are still largely to be confirmed for the year 2025. However I’m at Sandown at the end of March with Art Surrey. Hope to see some of you there.